All Projects
Explore our variety of creative microcontroller projects for all levels, ready to build with parts from our range
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New to microcontroller projects? Our XC3900 Duinotech Learning Kit has everything you need to get started with Arduino.
ESP8266 and an LCD screen to make an interactive WiFi button.
If you’ve been thinking about how you’d control a 240V appliance with an Arduino without worrying about getting zapped, then here is a solution.
This is an updated version of our Intruder Alert project; designed to be both easier to manage and more secure.
Here is a great project to get started with your very own IoT (Internet of Things) home automation project.
Learn the basics of electronics in making this high efficiency 5V power supply.
The Ultrasonic Theremin plays back samples, but modulates them depending on the distance from your hand to the ultrasonic sensor, giving an effect similar to a traditional Theremin.
With our IR Remote Learner kit, you will be able to learn the custom codes of those hard to replace remotes.
Control a collection of power points with your phone app.
This project probably has the most parts of any of the ones we have done but is sure to help spread some Christmas joy.
Shake the box to find what you get in this magic 8-ball styled Christmas gift game.
There's not a lot to construct in this project - it's just an UNO and LCD Touch Shield, but if you want a simple project that looks slick then it's a good place to start.
In this project we built a current meter using the AC712 current sensor, instead of just displaying or reporting current measurements we made the project a little more interesting by calculating power consumption (which is just POWER = CURRENT x VOLTAGE), and reporting the power consumption via email.
Here's a project that will take you into the world beyond the basics of the Duinotech Learning Kit.
The best thing about at the ATtiny85 IC is undoubtedly its size, but this also makes it difficult to program.
Turn your living room into a real life game show and have fun playing with your family and friends! Prepare some mp3 files to play and try to score the most amount of points with an automatic game app on the raspberry Pi. See who has the most musical knowledge between songs of today and yesteryear.
THIS PROJECT IS CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW/CONSTRUCTION, WE APOLOGISE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE. This handy little tool can be used to check for any Wi-Fi signals around, use it to see how well the connection in your workshop is going or to see if there’s any free Wi-Fi hotspots when you're out and about.
I had previously developed a little project which used an ultrasonic distance sensor and a clever little library called ‘talkie’.
What better way to get back in to work with your own personal benchtop power supply.
Make your next album with our next generation music maker device! Using simple electronic components, we have copied the original and well known Atari Punk Console synthesizer to make this unique "cheap-box" musical synth.